Projects Initiatives in preparation
Currently, I am working in the preparation of two different project initiatives for its submission to funding agencies. Both of them include the implementation and use of novel methodological approaches for studying the role anthropogenic activities plays on modifying critical aspects as organic matter remineralization in natural sedimentary deposits. As well as, how these environments and the macrofaunal organisms inhabit them react to such stressors.
A) Project HUMANS: Human problems-Macrofaunal Solutions: Role of Bioturbation on Recovering Benthic Ecosystems Impacted by Aquaculture - a Multidimensional Approach.
B) Project ATHENA: Anthropogenic Antibiotics: How the link between bioturbation and biofilm formation in Patagonian sediments may restrain antibiotic's biogeochemical impact.
Projects I have participated
2015-November,2017-October: "Remote Exploration of Extreme Environments"(ROBEX) project: Post Doctoral research at GEOMAR, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel: Both implementation and development of chemical sensors for marine environments based on Lab On a Chip (LOC) technology.
2015 Stony Brook University-e4science ( environmental project by private-governmental contractors), two oceanographic cruises: maintenance, on deck handling and operation of a hyperspectral benthic camera for multidimensional pH, pCO2, O2 and Fe(II) in situ measurements, including data processing and report, New York Harbor area.
2012-2014: The effects of animal-sediment interactions on biogeochemical processes at the sediment-water interface. PI: Dr. Robert C. Aller and Dr. QingZhi Zhu.
2013: Early diagenetic aluminosilicate formation and burial of biogenic silica in tropical deltas. PI: Dr. Robert C. Aller and Dr. Kirk Cochran.
2006-2008: Department of Oceanography – University of Concepción. PIMEX- Nueva Aldea program (collaboration program between academia and private industry). Research assistant, analysis of marine samples, MS-GC techniques implementation, Participation in the preparation of cruises, onboard participation work in the handling of benthic instruments, data processing, and preparation of data reports.
2005-2006: Silvio C. Pantoja G. FONDECYT 1040503 project. Research assistant, analysis of marine sediments: Analysis of Chlorins, HPLC, and MS-GC techniques implementation, mathematical isotopic fractionation models. Participation in the preparation of cruises, onboard participation work in the handling of sediment instruments, data processing, and preparation of data reports. University of Concepcion, Chile.