Environmental work
My working experience in industry-related studies includes participation in a Quick Response Group for Environmental Emergencies related to the petroleum and paper-mill industry, where I performed handling of hazardous chemicals, ecotoxicology research, environmental impact assessments, and aquatic ecology. Also, in parallel to my graduate studies in the U.S.A., I took part in an environmental impact study on Manhattan's coastal area, characterizing the sedimentary environment.
During my career, I have been directly involved with several monitoring programs in Chile, U.S.A, and Denmark. And I'm currently working on an ecotoxicological study in a collaborative project between the Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) and EXXON Mobil.
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The following list includes some of the skills I have acquired during my work in the academy and industry-related projects:
Organic & inorganic chemistry (sediments/water column)
Sedimentology (physical & chemical characterization)
Wet chemistry methods (development & implementation)
Aquatic ecology (1D and 2D numerical models, freshwater and marine sampling, data processing and interpretation, lecturer)
Remote sensing (Data extraction, processing & interpretation)
Stable isotopes (sampling, measurements, and data analysis for natural abundance and enrichment experiments)
Tomographic data (visualization & analysis)
Oceanographic/chemical data visualization and analysis (2D & 3D)
CTD data extraction & processing (MATLAB, R)
Pollutants (sampling, measurements, and analysis) *
Sampling (coring, sediment traps, Niskin bottles, trace metals, etc)
Hyperspectral cameras (design, construction, on-deck handling, operation, and data analysis)
Instrumental analysis (HPLC, GC, AAS, spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry) (including lecturing experience at the graduate level).
Multivariate statistical analysis (MATLAB, R)
GIS expert level(QGIS, ArcView, etc).
Reports and proposals preparation.
Field experience in marine, coastal, mangroves, high altitude lacustrine, and riverine env.

Sediment sampling (Long Island sound, U.S.A.)

multicore operation in oceanic station (Bermuda Rise)

Biological and chemical sampling in a Chilean river (after oil spill emergency)

Sediment sampling (Long Island sound, U.S.A.)
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