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Environmental work

My working experience in industry-related studies includes participation in a Quick Response Group for Environmental Emergencies related to the petroleum and paper-mill industry, where I performed handling of hazardous chemicals, ecotoxicology research, environmental impact assessments, and aquatic ecology. Also, in parallel to my graduate studies in the U.S.A., I took part in an environmental impact study on Manhattan's coastal area, characterizing the sedimentary environment.

During my career, I have been directly involved with several monitoring programs in Chile, U.S.A, and Denmark. And I'm currently working on an ecotoxicological study in a collaborative project between the Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) and EXXON Mobil.


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The following list includes some of the skills I have acquired during my work in the academy and industry-related projects:


  • Organic & inorganic chemistry (sediments/water column) 

  • Sedimentology (physical & chemical characterization)

  • Wet chemistry methods (development & implementation) 

  • Aquatic ecology (1D and 2D numerical models, freshwater and marine sampling, data processing and interpretation, lecturer)

  • Remote sensing (Data extraction, processing & interpretation) 

  • Stable isotopes (sampling, measurements, and data analysis for natural abundance and enrichment experiments) 

  • Tomographic data (visualization & analysis) 

  • Oceanographic/chemical data visualization and analysis (2D & 3D) 

  • CTD data extraction & processing (MATLAB, R) 

  • Pollutants (sampling, measurements, and analysis) * 

  • Sampling (coring, sediment traps, Niskin bottles, trace metals, etc) 

  • Hyperspectral cameras (design, construction, on-deck handling, operation, and data analysis) 

  • Instrumental analysis (HPLC, GC, AAS, spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry) (including lecturing experience at the graduate level).

  • Multivariate statistical analysis (MATLAB, R) 

  • GIS expert level(QGIS, ArcView, etc).

  • Cartography.

  • Reports and proposals preparation.

  • Field experience in marine, coastal, mangroves, high altitude lacustrine, and riverine env.

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